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For 10 years many lawyers and mediators have been referring their clients to me for emotional and behavioural support and help though the stress of separation and divorce and the many issues that this brings.


I have helped in various ways, enabling clients to make firm decisions, to have the strength and confidence to travel through the process, to build communication and understanding channels, and helping them to help their children.


Lately I have also been part of the new wave to bring more flexible processes to help clients, such as 5 way meetings, improving communication skills in mediation, parenting plans and the intake (MELCA like) form of collaborative divorce.

Working with Lawyers and Mediators


Why, when and how to refer your clients for coaching


As family consultants/coaches we work closely with family lawyers, mediators and other neutrals across the South and receive client referrals from many practices. We work with clients through all models of the separating and divorce processes and we are both members of several collaborative Pods and affiliate members of Resolution.


We work with individuals, couples, families, young people and children.


Why refer your clients for coaching?


You want to improve communication and understanding between lawyers, mediators and their clients on each side, and reduce any emotional impact. You recognise that coaching will bring benefits to:


  • Your client

  • The legal process

  • Your law practice

  • Your reputation as a proactive lawyer or mediator


You’ve identified communication difficulties and/or confidence issues between clients, which can hold them back from:


  • The collaborative route

  • Round table meetings

  • Court appearances

  • Mediation


Other reasons to refer clients for coaching


The family consultant/coach enables couples and families to build better communication, understanding and behaviours. Coaching is ideal if your client:


  • Feels angry, left behind, or unable to cope

  • Suffers from stress, sleeping problems, anxiety or panic attacks

  • Has trouble making decisions - research shows a minimum of 30% of decision making ability in the brain shuts down in times os stress and high emotion

  • Struggles to process their spouse’s behaviour or the emotional effects of the divorce on the family

  • Has difficulty agreeing on child contact arrangements

  • Worries that their children are caught in the crossfire or are struggling to adjust to new parental relationships

  • Wants to build a co parenting plan 

  • Needs help to explain the situation to their children

  • Feels the children themselves may benefit from professional help.


Supporting parents with co parenting agreements and plans


Reaching agreement between parties regarding the children can be one of the hardest and most difficult parts of negotiating the divorce. At Better Life Coaching we can work with your clients to help resolve the question of the agreed contact arrangements, building and delivering a parenting agreement, and helping them deliver that scheme. This will free you up at the meeting to concentrate on the legalities.


Our coaching programmes are completely flexible and bespoke, available as needed. 


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